School Supply Lists
Supplies by Department
Please note: A graphing calculator is absolutely required for every Math class.
Algebra I, Algebra IA, Algebra IB
- 2” Loose-leaf binder dedicated to mathematics
- Pens/Pencils
- Folder
- TI 83+ or TI 84+ (preferred) graphing calculator
Principles of Geometry, Geometry, Geometry H
- 1” Loose-leaf binder dedicated to mathematics
- Graph paper notebook (optional)
- Pens/Pencils
- Folder
- TI 83+ or TI 84+ (preferred) graphing calculator
- Plastic or straight edge ruler
- Metal Compass
- Protractor
Intermediate Algebra, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry H, College Algebra, Precalculus, Precalculus H, Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC
- Loose-leaf binder dedicated to mathematics
- Pens/Pencils
- Folder
- TI 83+ or TI 84+ (preferred) graphing calculator
AP Statistics
- Loose-leaf binder dedicated to statistics
- Pens/Pencils
- Folder
- TI 84+ graphing calculator
- Barron’s AP Statistics, 11th Edition (ISBN 9781506262024)
- Naked Statistics, Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan (ISBN 9780393071955)
AP Computer Science A/Computer Science Principles
1” Loose-leaf binder
Social Studies
Global Studies (Grades 9 and 10)
- Large binder with loose-leaf paper
- Pocket Folder
- Pens/Pencils
- Index Cards
US History (Grade 11)
- Large binder with loose-leaf paper OR large single-subject notebook
- Pocket Folder
- Pens/Pencils
- Index Cards
Economics and Government (Grade 12)
- Large single-subject notebook
- Pocket Folder
- Pens/Pencils
- Index Cards
Electives and AP Classes
- Large single-subject notebook
- Pocket Folder
- Pens/Pencils
- Index Cards
Science Department
- 1” or 1.5” 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
- Black & white marble notebook (100 pages)
- Plastic folder
- Pencils (mechanical pencils are preferred)
- Four function or scientific calculator (graphing calculators are NOT permitted on the Regents Exam
Regents & Honors Biology (Bloshenko, Lockwood)
- 3-Ring Binder
- 2 Folders
- 12-pack of colored pencils
- Highlighter
Regents Biology (Woods-Ray)
- Two-inch 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
- 2 Folders
- Colored Pencils
- Pencils (HB or #2), pens, highlighter
- Ruler
- Graphing paper
- Loose leaf paper
- Scissors (optional)
- Glue Stick (optional)
- Post-it notes (optional)
Regents Biology (DeGasperi)
- Binder with loose leaf paper and dividers
- Folder for handouts
- Colored pencils or markers
- Metric ruler (optional)
- Graph paper (optional)
Regents & Conceptual Physics (Palant, Hatzfeld, Berbit)
- Common Supplies for all Physics Teachers:
- Graphing Calculator
- Pens/Pencils (mechanical recommended)
- Highlighters (assorted colors)
- Erasers (large)
- 4-color Bic Pens
- 3-Ring Binder (1.5”-2” recommended) with Dividers and Paper Required
- Extra-large twin-pocket portfolio folder dedicated exclusively for Physics
For Berbit: Bookmark and visit; follow prompts for your course for summer work:berbit summer work
Regents Chemistry (Dinneen)
- Marble composition notebook
- Scientific Calculator
- One-inch 3-ring binder
- Pen/Pencil (4-color Bic Pen)
Regents Chemistry (Fletcher/Caton)
- Large spiral bound notebook or 3 ring binder with looseleaf for notes (for chemistry only)
- Folder
- Scientific or four function Calculator (not graphing)
- Pen /Pencil
Honors Chemistry (Kenny)
- Two-inch 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper and graph paper and/or multi subject spiral
- notebook (for chemistry notes only)
- One-inch 3-ring binder to hold your lab manual which will be provided on the first day of school
- Scientific Calculator (graphing calculators not allowed)
- 4-color Bic pen
AP Chemistry (Dinneen)
- Binder (3-inch)
- Graphing Calculator
- Pen/Pencils
AP Biology (Goldring)
- 1 folder for note packs
- Pens/Pencils
- Graph paper
Anatomy and Physiology (Goldring)
- 1 folder for note packs
- Pens/Pencils
- Colored pencils (24 colors preferred) with sharpener (optional)
A.P. Environmental Science (Woods-Ray/Caton)
- 2 folders
- 1 3-ring binder & looseleaf
- Scientific calculator
- Colored Pencils (Woods-Ray)
- Ruler, Pens & Pencils
- Highlighter
- Loose leaf paper
- Graph paper
- Post-it notes (optional)
College Physics (Berbit)
- 3-Ring Binder (2” recommended) with Dividers and Paper
- Pens, Pencils (mechanical recommended), Highlighters, Erasers (large)
- 4-Color Pens (two different palettes if possible)
- Graphing Calculator
Bookmark and visit:berbit physics report
AP Psychology (DiMase)
- Two-inch binders (4 - one per marking period)
- Highlighters
- Post-it Notes
- Pack of colored pencils
- Pens/Pencils
- Laptop when requested
General Psychology (Weisman)
- Two-inch binders (4 - one per marking period)
- Post-it Notes
- Pack of colored pencils
- Pens/Pencils
Advanced Science Research (Miller)
Flash Drive
Physical Geology (Fermann)
- 3 ring binder – 1” or 1.5” with paper - OR - spiral notebook and a pocket folder
- Mechanical pencils
- Calculator
Environmental Science (DeGasperi)
- Spiral notebook
- Folder
- Pens/Pencils
Ethics in Science (Hatzfeld)
- Marble notebook
- Folder
- Pens/Pencils