School Policies
The policies related to the Student Code of Conduct are established through New York State Law and the Eastchester Board of Education. Such policies, by law, must be in writing and explained to students and parents on an annual basis. Questions about the Code can be directed to any administrator or in writing to the principal.
With respect to students identified with handicapping conditions, this policy shall apply in concert with the regulations established by the
Commissioner of Education
The district has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty and integrity. No student shall be subjected to harassment by District staff or students on school property or at school functions. Nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination by District staff or students on school property or at school functions based upon his/her actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or height.
All provisions of the Student Code of Conduct apply to students on the property of Eastchester High School, at school-sponsored events, or in vehicles provided by the Eastchester School District. School property is defined as the building structure, athletic playing fields, parking lots, or land contained within the boundary line of the Eastchester Schools campus, or on a bus. A school function means any school-sponsored event or activity. Additionally, off-campus conduct that endangers the health and safety of students or staff within the school or substantially disrupts the educational process is also subsumed in the Code.
Student Responsibilities
Eastchester High School supports the view that a school exists primarily to educate students. A calm, orderly atmosphere must exist if learning and academic excellence are to be successfully achieved. Students must develop both academically-and socially-responsible behaviors if the school is going to positively and productively realize its mission. All students have the responsibility to:
- Contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning.
- Show respect to other persons and property.
- Be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules, and regulations dealing with student conduct.
- Be regular and punctual in attendance to class, meetings, and activities.
- Work to the best of their ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward their highest level of achievement possible.
- React to and interact with teachers, administrators, and other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner.
- Work to develop mechanisms to control their behavior.
- Ask questions when they do not understand and be honest in all circumstances.
- Seek help in solving problems that might lead to inappropriate behavior.
- Dress appropriately for school and school functions.
- Accept responsibility for their actions.
- Conduct themselves as representatives of the district when participating in or attending school-sponsored extracurricular events and to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor, and sportsmanship.
- Report incidents of violence or potential incidents to appropriate adults.
- Not to engage in discrimination based upon another student's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or height.
- Eastchester High School expects all students to conduct themselves in an appropriate and civil manner, with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, district personnel and other members of the school community, and for the care of school facilities and equipment.
The best discipline is self-imposed, and students must learn to assume and accept responsibility for their own behavior, as well as for the consequences of their misbehavior. District personnel who interact with students are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary and to place emphasis on the students' ability to grow in self-discipline.
The rules of conduct listed below are intended to focus on safety and respect for the rights and property of others. Students who will not accept responsibility for their own behavior and who violate these school rules will be required to accept the penalties for their conduct.
Level One
The supervising teacher or staff member carefully investigates the infractions observed or reported. Based on the past behavior of the student and the nature of the infraction, the teacher applies the most appropriate disciplinary response. The frequency of the occurrence or degree of the infraction may be reasons to reclassify these misbehaviors at the next level, notifying the Assistant Principal / Principal by disciplinary referral form.
The following examples of disorderly conduct are considered Level One infractions:
- Disruptive behavior in the halls including running, shouting, or causing excessive noise
- Copying assignments or work
- Using language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or abusive
- Eating in unauthorized area(s)
- Engagement in a willful act to disrupt the normal operation of the school community
- Failure to be prepared with class materials
- Failure to carry out directions given by any staff member
- First class cut
- Lateness to class
- Littering or property damage
- Loitering in the halls or other areas
- Unauthorized sale of non-harmful items
- Violation of the dress code
- Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic
- Trespassing in unauthorized Area
Level Two
Misbehaviors at this level are acts where their frequency or seriousness disrupts the climate of the school and/or when Level One infractions continue to occur
The teacher or staff member reports the behavior to the Assistant Principal and/or the Principal using the disciplinary referral form. The AP/Principal meets with the student and/or the teacher to investigate the incident and determines the most appropriate disciplinary response. The AP/Principal records the disciplinary response on the referral form. Copies of the referral form are sent to the referring faculty/staff member, to the Guidance Counselor, to the parents, and a copy is also placed into the student's discipline folder.
The following examples are Level Two infractions:
- Repeated or more severe Level One infractions
- Cheating on quizzes, tests, projects, etc.
- Cutting class repeatedly
- Defacing school property
- Excessive school absences
- Excessive tardiness
- Forgery
- Insubordination
- Leaving school without permission
- Participation in games of chance/gambling
- Plagiarism
- Use of tobacco
- Obscene or indecent behavior
- Possession or distribution of obscene or indecent materials
- Vandalism
- Violation of the Internet Usage Contract
- Lying or stealing
- Cutting detention
- Forgery
Level Three
Misbehaviors included at this level occur when the frequency or seriousness of an act disrupts the climate of the school and/or when Level One or Level Two infractions continue to occur.
After verification of the offense, the Assistant Principal and/or Principal meets with all parties involved. Procedures are initiated according to the established policy for excluding the student from school. The parents and the Superintendent are notified. The Assistant Principal and/or the Principal record the infraction and the disciplinary response in the student's cumulative file. A report is submitted to the Superintendent.
The following examples of disorderly conduct are considered Level Three infractions:
- Unmodified or more severe Level Two actions
- Use or possession of a weapon or facsimile
- Mistreatment of animals
- Altering records
- Defamation
- Discrimination
- Engaging in violent or dangerous conduct
- Extortion
- Fighting
- Harassment: verbal, physical, or sexual (Such conduct shall include, but is not limited to, threats, intimidation or abuse based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or height.)
- Harassment, threats, or derogatory comments toward staff and students via electronic media
- Hazing
- Selling, distributing, or exchanging prescription or over-the-counter drugs
- Indecent exposure
- Initiating a report of fire or other catastrophe without valid cause, misuse of 911, or discharging a fire extinguisher
- Physical/verbal assault
- Phoning, verbalizing, or leaving a note pertaining to a bomb threat
- Possession of incendiary devices
- Intimidation
- Possessing, consuming, selling, distributing, or exchanging drug related paraphernalia or illegal substances, including alcohol and synthetic cannabinoids
- Selling, using, or possessing obscene material
- Theft or willful possession of another's property
- Inciting a riot
Disciplinary Action(s)
- Notification to parent/guardian
- Student/Counselor conference
- Student/Teacher conference
- Verbal warning or reprimand
- Written warning or reprimand
- Teacher detention
- After school office detention
- Saturday School
- Full restitution for damages
- In School Suspension/Restricted Study Hall
- Suspension from transportation
- Temporary removal from activities (including participation and attendance)
- Out of School Suspension
- Parental Conference
- Removal from classroom by an administrator
- Alternative School
- Superintendent's Hearing
- Notification of law enforcement or proper authorities
- Be advised
Also know that the Common Application, used by over 300 colleges and universities, asks students the following question: "Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any Secondary School you have attended, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution?”
The district policies concerning Title IX compliance, Part 504 Guidelines, Substance Abuse and Sexual Harassment are available in the High School Office.
This handbook is subject to revisions during the school year. Parents, guardians, and students will be informed of any revisions.